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Hopeful Story, October 19, 2014

  There’s a new display in our building, promoting the important work of Sheila Dykstra, the missionary to Nigeria that we support as a church. It’s a cross section of an African schoolhouse, and it was made by Ed who researched the Internet for authentic looking ideas and built it with great enthusiasm.
  This unique display came about as the result of a conversation between Sheila and Joan Doorenspleet this summer. Joan asked Sheila for ideas on how to make the kids at Hope Fellowship more aware of her work with schools in Nigeria, and Sheila suggested the slogan, “Help A Teacher Teach A Class.” Along with awareness, the children will also be giving towards this cause and for every $26.00 that is raised, an Alphabet Strip (one dollar for each letter of the alphabet) will also be donated to hang in a class room in Africa. To that end, the schoolhouse display has a giving box where kids can intentionally bring their offerings, as well as a chalkboard for messages and a wall to display pictures of Sheila and her work.
  “I have had several people ask about this structure and all the comments have been positive,” Joan said. “The kids are excited about coming to this giving centre.”
  Although this structure was built to raise money for Sheila’s missionary work, it will probably be used for other fundraisers in the future. “I have talked to GEMS about using it to raise money for the Esther School in Africa that their organization supports,” Joan said. “I can also imagine it being used to receive donations at pancake breakfasts for other causes like Missions trips. The nice thing about the chalkboard is that the message can easily be changed to fit the cause.”
  Check out this unique fundraising tool for yourself the next time that you’re in the East Wing. And offer up a prayer for Sheila Dykstra while you’re there.
- Pastor Peter
